
Lustosa Marketing

Social media often gets overlooked as a powerful tool for building your business and bringing in revenue. That one post could change your business. Social media is often interpreted as a platform for personal posting, however, if used correctly, it can be a powerful business tool.

If you look at social media for your business, the same way as you do it in your personal capacity, it won’t be effective. This kind of posting will not generate sales or revenue. Social platforms are now conveniently created in a way that your business can get exposure for the right audience if posted with the right content. 

According to statistics, more than half of the world uses social media, with an average of over 2 hours per person per day on social platforms.  This is two hours that your brand, services, and products are exposed to potential buyers. Statistics also say, that 43% of social media users purchase a product after seeing it on social media platforms. What could this do for your business in terms of growth?

Engagement on your social posts depends on the interaction of a two-way street. How many businesses do you support on socials? How many clicks and likes do you give when scrolling through services online? When you start giving, you will start receiving. Consistency is very important when it comes to social media presence. For brand awareness, you need to be consistent with your posts, your products, and the engagement of other businesses.

Before you go

If you feel social media isn’t working for your business, you may be missing a gap in your posts or how you are using the tool. This is why we are here to help, and we can! Social media is there to help you sell. By looking through a different lens, changing the way we post, and attracting the right audience, it can help your business thrive!

You can get in contact with us today to discuss options for your marketing plan, and how we can help the future of your brand.

Need help with your marketing? Learn how Outsourcing your Content Marketing could be beneficial for your business!