150+ Ideas for Your Social Media Content Calendar

150+ Ideas for Your Social Media Content Calendar

Coming up with new ideas for your social media content is now easier than ever! 


Get inspired by the list below and start creating your content NOW. 



  1. Post about your promotions and offers
  2. Showcase your products and services
  3. Promote your events
  4. Share testimonials/reviews
  5. Share a teaser of a new product/event
  6. Encourage people to subscribe to your newsletter
  7. Promote your affiliate program
  8. Give away a voucher
  9. Post user-generated content (images of customers owning/using your products)
  10. Post about job opportunities and internships
  11. Make an unboxing video of your products
  12. Promote your other social media profiles
  13. Make a comparison between your products and your competition’s products
  14. Showcase how your customers should use your products
  15. Talk about unknown product features
  16.  Mention the benefits of your products and services
  17. Turn your demos into quick informative videos
  18. Share a creative or surprising use for your products
  19. Promote events you are sponsoring or speaking at
  20. Share the DOs and DON’Ts your audience should know about when using your products
  21. Share blog posts you were featured in
  22. Talk about your USP (unique selling preposition) 


  1. Cover holiday topics
  2. Write about international days
  3. Share memes 
  4. Let someone else take over your account for a day (influencers/employees/business partners)
  5. Re-create trendy posts 
  6. Make a “Throwback Thursday” post
  7. Participate in the latest trends/ challenges
  8. Share a joke
  9. Make seasonal posts
  10. Post about little-known holidays
  11. Share a GIF
  12. Start a “This Day in History” series
  13. Share image puzzles
  14. Share region-specific posts
  15. Share cute pet photos from your employees
  16. Share a “Remember when…” post
  17. Post a riddle
  18. Make an appreciation post for your customers
  19. Share the weirdest thing anyone’s said or asked about your business
  20. Share a funny experience 
  21. Post an unpopular opinion
  22. Share your pet peeves regarding your industry
  23. Create a fan of the month post
  24. Celebrate your follower count
  25. Make a post about “A day in the life of a…”


  1. Share motivational quotes 
  2. Discuss a personal failure and how you overcame it
  3. Post about the most important piece of advice you’ve received
  4. Talk about one thing someone said to you that changed your mindset
  5. Talk about major changes you’ve noticed in your industry
  6. Reveal what you wished you knew 5 years ago 
  7. Talk about the hardest decision you’ve ever made
  8. Talk about a person who inspires you
  9. Share ideas from a conference/event that inspired you
  10. Share a time when a customer taught you a lesson
  11. Share the best part of what you do


  1. Create a weekly series with tips & tricks
  2. Post a video tutorial
  3. Post about interesting industry statistics
  4. Post trending news 
  5. Share case studies
  6. Discuss industry myths
  7. Share challenges you had to deal with in your career
  8. Posts about industry DON’Ts
  9. Post a fact or fiction question about your industry
  10. Share studies 
  11. Help your audience succeed in something you know a lot about
  12. Give tips about productivity
  13. Share “how-to” videos
  14. Share a time management tip
  15. Split an infographic into several images and share them individually
  16. Share industry news
  17. Conduct an interview 
  18. Talk about mental health at the workplace
  19. Talk about the top X mistakes people make while choosing products/services from your industry
  20. Explain industry terms
  21. Post a free resource (e.g., guide, template, etc.)
  22. Answer a question from Quora
  23. Share a work/life balance tip
  24. Share a health tip
  25. Share a self-care tip
  26. Share a piece of history about your industry
  27. Talk about something that is affecting your industry


  1. Start a contest 
  2. Launch a challenge
  3. Respond to a tag or mention
  4. Host a Q&A session 
  5. Post a “fill in the blank” post (example: If I was on a desert island, I will take with me the following three items: ____, ____, ____.)
  6. Answer an FAQ
  7. Go live 
  8. Ask for predictions
  9. Start a discussion with an industry leader
  10. Invite someone in your life to discuss something
  11. Start a debate
  12. Ask readers to share their favourite book/podcast/movie/artist
  13. Ask your followers about their most-used emojis
  14. Ask about your audience how they found you
  15. Host an AMA (ask me anything)
  16. Ask your audience about their bucket list
  17. Share a photo and let your audience write the caption 
  18. Ask a ‘truth or myth’ question
  19. Ask a “this or that” question 
  20. Ask a “would you rather” question
  21. Organize a giveaway
  22. Share content framed as: “Like this post if…” 
  23. Create quizzes and polls
  24. Conduct a survey
  25. Ask your audience about their life motto
  26. Ask a question about your business that your customers can answer with ease

Company Related

  1. Share customer success stories
  2. Celebrate your employees (start an “employee of the month” series, share anniversaries)
  3. Share your achievements
  4. Post about your business story
  5. Talk about your company’s values
  6. Share quotes from your team members
  7. Write about your work ethic
  8. Introduce your new team members
  9. Write about your company’s culture
  10. Post fun facts about your company and team members
  11. Share your business goals
  12. Post a photo from the early years of your business
  13. Talk about the evolution of your company
  14. Post photos from the office
  15. Share photos and videos from your events
  16. Post statistics and charts about your company’s growth
  17. Do a video tour of your office
  18. Share your business mission
  19. Do a Q&A interview with your team
  20. Share fun facts about your team members


  1. Recommend books
  2. Recommend podcasts
  3. Recommend documentaries
  4. Give other brands or professionals a shout-out
  5. Recommend certain tools and apps
  6. Share music 
  7. Promote local businesses
  8. Review relevant products
  9. Talk about a cause you care about
  10. Share your favourite blogs/bloggers
  11. Make a list of online tools your audience will find useful
  12. Compile a list of free resources from other sources
  13. Share a quiz 
  14. Share the top online sites you visit the most
  15. Post a list of must-read articles for the past week/month


  1. Repurpose your webinars
  2. Share blog posts
  3. Reshare older posts
  4. Take interesting information from your blogs and share it as social media posts